(politia româna a numarat 1.258 de cadavre, totusi sute de morti au fost aruncati din tren pe drum, la Mircesti, Roman, Sabaoani si Inotesti) (11). Trenul mortii spre Podu Iloaiei (15 kilometri de Iasi) avea 2.700 de evrei la plecare, dintre care 700 ..... TRAVEL TIPS: Protecting Yourself When Renting an Apartment or Vacation Rental Overseas - Over the past few years, I've taken a few international trips with my wife to South America and Europe, and this year to Israel, ...
Victorious costars Avan Jogia and Victoria Justice walking to the Tube station to go to Harrods while on vacation in London, England this weekend. + Victoria posing next to a 'Victoria' bus! Her Twitter was hacked too. ... May 1, 2010 @ 05: 02 pm. K.F.D.M.S lover said: May 1, 2010 @ 04:55 pm musiciseverything said: She reminds me of Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries. She's very pretty. ___ yes inotest that but she is pretaer ...